Av. Borges de Medeiros, 4111. Expogramado. Caixa Postal 298. CEP 95670-000 - Gramado - RS

1) What is Law 4.315/2024 of Gramado?
Law 4.315/2024, sanctioned on May 28, 2024, determines the mandatory presence of a Tourist Guide on all excursions that originate in the municipality of Gramado or that have Gramado as their destination.
2) What is the deadline for the law to come into force?
Law 4.315/2024 will come into force on August 26, 2024.
3) Why is the presence of Tourist Guides mandatory?
The presence of a Tour Guide aims to guarantee an enriching and safe tourist experience, providing accurate information and personalized support to visitors. In this sense, the Guide will be important for:
Organization and coordination: providing support with the logistics of the trip, helping to coordinate the group on the bus, ensuring that everyone is aware of the itinerary, schedules and any planned changes;Information and explanation: providing information detailed information about points of interest along the route, enriching the educational experience of the tour;
Safety: dealing with any emergencies or unforeseen situations that may arise during the route;
Personalized attention: with a Guide present, passengers have the opportunity to ask questions, clarify doubts and make the most of every moment of the trip;
Quality experience: significantly contributing to a more enriching, educational and enjoyable travel experience for all participants.
4) Who is considered a Tour Guide according to the law?
A Tour Guide is a duly qualified professional, registered and accredited with the Brazil's national tourism entity, to carry out monitoring, guidance and transmission of information activities to people or groups on tourism excursions and sightseeing tours, in accordance with Federal Law nº 8,623, of January 28, 1993.
5) Required be a regional guide?
Yes, the guide must be registered in the regional category, in accordance with Federal Law 8.623/1993 and Ordinance 37/2021, from the Brazil's national tourism entity.
6) Who needs to hire a Tourist Guide?
Any group trip with more of 15 people, organized by a tourism company registered and accredited by the competent bodies.
7) Does a school trip require a Tour Guide?
Yes, the presence of a Tour Guide is mandatory. It is important to emphasize that, in addition to managing the group, the presence of a Tourist Guide enriches the tourist experience as a whole, in addition to promoting the professionalization of the local tourist sector.
8) In cases of tours with more than one bus, each Will the bus need a Tour Guide?
Yes, each bus must have a guide present. Having a guide on each bus will facilitate the logistics and safety of the tour, in addition to enriching the educational and cultural experience of the participants.
9) What is the average cost of hiring a Tour Guide in Gramado?
The cost will depend on the tour booked and the duration.
10) How to hire a Tour Guide?
You can contact a Tour Guide directly by searching the Cadastur website, where you can find accredited guides and check their specializations and qualifications to ensure a safe and informative travel experience. Check here the Tour Guides registered with Cadastur
11) How can I report a tour that does not comply with the law?
Report on Cadastur: Click here
Send an email to [email protected] or call 0800 200 8484
Fala Cidadão Gramado: Click here
12) Which What are the penalties for non-compliance with the law?
The penalties for non-compliance with the law are:
Light penalty: Written warning for the first infraction.
Medium penalty: Fine of R$3,000.00 after warning for written.
Serious penalty: Fine of R$6,000.00 in case of repeat offense.
13) Who is responsible for monitoring and applying penalties?
Inspection and application of penalties are the responsibility of the Municipal Inspection, with the assistance of the Tourism and Traffic department.
14) How will inspection be carried out?
In the first stage of implementing the law, inspection will be carried out through educational blitzes.
15) What is the procedure for a tourist guide to register?
Tour guides must be qualified and accredited in the Brazil's national tourism entity. Register on the website: https://cadastur.turismo.gov.br
16) What should a tourism company do to comply with the law?
Tourism companies must hire duly qualified and accredited Tourist Guides to accompany their excursions, and ensure that these professionals are present throughout the trip.
17) Where can I find more information about the law and how to comply with it?
More information can be found in Law 4,315/2024, or by contacting the Department of Tourism of Gramado directly.
18) What happens if an excursion is inspected and not Is it in compliance with the law?
If a tour is inspected and found to be non-compliant, the corresponding penalty will be applied depending on the severity of the infraction, starting with a written warning and going up to significant fines in cases of repeat offense.